Friday, August 11, 2006


Hector sleeps it off

After polishing off quite so much ice cream Hector could barely sit up and chose instead to pass out on the front of the car where he remained, groaning, for the entire journey back to the golf course and proclaiming that he was going to burst stayed in the car for the afternoon. Dad and I set out for another round, our last of the week as competitions are played on the weekends, and looked to make further progress. We did indeed play well, finding the greens and sinking putts despite the howling winds and light rains that hampered the flight of the ball in the air.
On our way back to the hotel we drove across a bridge on which this sign was mounted- a constant reminder to the region in which we are based, Normandy. It is not far to the Pegassus bridge made famous by many war films and there are numerous gun batteries and bunkers scattered along the coast. As a child I was always fascinated by visiting these places- they were made all the more interesting by the stories that they were accompanied by from our very great friend Bin Derby, who always remained very anti-German having lived through the war as a serving tank commander.

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